We support the oil & gas industry with sophisticated integrity services and products to ascertain that our customer’s projects and facilities maintain full operating capacity throughout their entire lifespan.
Job Position
Currently we are looking for motivated person and target progress oriented to join and fill the positions as follows:Wellsite Geologist
Point of Hire: Jakarta
Geologist will act as Client’s offshore representative, demonstrate visible leadership in HSSE and provide geological support to ensure successful delivery of the well objectives and data acquisition plan. Work will involve onsite operational support during drilling, with some pre-drill technical package review and preparation. The position requires effective communication with WellSite Leaders and other onsite rig personnel (Mudlogging, LWD, Wireline logging and Coring service providers), as well as close interaction with subsurface asset team Ops Geologist.
Key accountabilities:
- Attend Pre-Spud meetings and review subsurface technical package (Geological Operations Plan) and drilling program.
- Collect and review required well site reference data, subsurface technical package, correlation / offset logs, maps, prognosis, and become familiar with any operational problems experienced in offset wells.
- Attend rig calls, teleconf meeting with town as needed.
- Describe all rock samples (cuttings, conventional cores and sidewall cores). Include lithology (by percentage), reservoir analysis (consolidation, grain size, roundness, porosity, cementation, description of constituents), hydrocarbons show analysis and description (stain, visual cut, surface florescence, cut florescence, percentage of HOT occluding porosity). Document in Client’s digital cuttings/core register and quality control information
- Correlation of the well data to support picking of casing points, core point and well TD: isopachs; changes in drilling parameters; samples
- Log correlation/Interpretation; - Formation and fluid marker picks; - Revise marker and target projections; - Casing point and TD determination; - Advise town personnel on changes needed in well plan; - Log Quality Control; - Depth control and tie in on sidetracks, conventional wells.
- Act as offshore coordinator for data acquisition from mudloggers, LWD, wireline logging and Coring, including Onsite Quality Control, MWD / Wireline-DPC; - Provide service company with oil normalization zone for MCNL; - Observe acquisition and quality control of a full logging suite and attain quality, useable dataset from offshore service providers
- Witnessing mudlogging sensor calibrations, as needed.
- Present geological/subsurface info at pre-phase meeting, etc.
- Support conformance to Client’s Group Practices for PP detection
- Communication – Liase regularly with - Client’s Wellsite leader to communicate upcoming Geological risks, casing point decisions, and pro-actively contribute to the handling of these events; - Directional driller: Target objective coordination, geosteering requirements; - Advise logging company of program revisions, timing: - Advise MWD and mud logging personnel of program requirements and revisions; Act as the link between the Client’s Wellsite leader and the mudlogging crew, and ensure the crew are briefed and focused on key geological and operational issues. Supervise the interpretative aspect of the mud log; - Forward daily reports, files and interpreted data to Operators representative and partners; - Regular reporting and communication with town Ops geologist, as needed to manage operations, and when TD is reached
- Act as offshore coordinator for data acquisition from service providers, including Daily File / Documentation and Final Documentation Maintenance; - Ensure appropriate distribution from the rigsite of all Daily Reports (pdf, pds and ascii files), Interpreted Geosurvey, Lithology, Interpreted Daily Log with Target Projections. Ensure that all core, cuttings, and fluid samples, as well as log data are dispatched promptly with full documentation and the addressees notified
- Adhere to Client’s data management protocol, including real-time data
- Compile draft geological operations summary after each hole section is completed (for EOWR). Support root cause analysis investigations of NPT
- Support delivery of End of Well Operations Reports and Interpreted Composite Log
- Maintain Geology and Engineering Files and Expedite Final logs and Data.
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Geology from reputable University
- Minimum of 15 years’ experience as a Wellsite Geologist
- Experience working as Wellsite Geologist in Papua, targeting Jurassic Reservoirs (minimum of 2 wells)
- Experience in drilling through karstified Limestone (minimum of 3 wells)
- Experience in drilling through overpressured interval (minimum of 3 wells)
- Experience in unconventional data acquisition (i.e Core, Advanced LWD/WL)
- Proficient in either GEOlogix and/or WinLog
- Hold a valid BOSIET/T-BOSIET certificates.
Desirable criteria and qualifications
In addition to the required experience and qualifications, the successful candidate is likely to be able to demonstrate:
- Proven and consistent track record in the industry (preferably in mid-size to major O&G companies)
- Extensive experience in working in the complex well (subsurface, data acquisition, logistic).
If you feel meet the above qualification and would like to be part of us, Please send your CV, Diploma, Work Certificate and related documents to email: recruitment@inconis.com
Please note this application closes 1 week from the date of advertisement . We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja Migas,
Service Company,
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